Big Brothers Big Sisters of Toronto – Click Here
As one of Canada’s leading child and youth mentoring charity, Big Brothers Big Sisters facilitates life-changing relationships that inspire and empower children and youth to reach their potential, both as individuals and citizens.
Canada Student Loans Program – Click Here
The Canada Student Loans Program is the largest program offering student financial assistance to Canadians. It was created by the Government of Canada to make postsecondary education accessible to students with financial need. In addition to student loans, the federal government also provides non-repayable funding in the form of grants through the Canada Student Grants Program.
Central Toronto Youth Services – Click Here
Central Toronto Youth Services (CTYS) is a community-based, accredited Children’s Mental Health Centre that serves many of Toronto’s most vulnerable youth.
Delisle Youth Services – Click Here
Delisle operates many programs: including counselling, a group home, a day treatment program, in school programs, a queer youth program, an art gallery, a youth centre and residential case management for teens with complex special needs.
The Etobicoke Children Centre – Click Here
The ECC is an accredited Children’s Mental Health Centre located in West Toronto. The ECC’s staff are trained and skilled in providing effective mental health and autism services for children, youth and their families. The ECC’s services include workshops, consultation, training and treatment.
LGBT Youthline – Click Here
The Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line exists to provide services for youth, by youth that affirms the experiences and aspirations of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, 2-spirited, queer and questioning youth in Ontario. Working within an anti-oppression and anti-racist framework, they provide leadership opportunities, outreach, confidential peer support and referrals by telephone, texting and online.
Scholarships Canada – Click Here is a database for students looking for scholarships, bursaries, grants and student awards.
Service Canada for Youth – Click Here
Service Canada Centres for Youth (SCCY) offer a number of services specially designed to help students find a job, including detailed job postings in a variety of fields, many links to employers, useful information on workplace health and safety and other government programs and services.
Over 300 SCCYs across Canada are open from May to August each year to help students with their career-related needs, and employers to promote job opportunities.
Stepstones for Youth provides a safe and ongoing support network for youth who have experienced trauma, financial instability and/or lack of consistent guardian care. They offer innovative skill based programming to children and young adults who are considered vulnerable or at-risk within their community to enhance their growth and success in life.
Toronto Youth Job Corps – Click Here
Toronto Youth Job Corps (TYJC) is a paid employment program designed to connect youth to the work place through employment, school and/or training. TYJC works with youth, between the ages of 16-29 who are out of school and out of work, to develop important life and employment skills that will ensure future success.